About Me
Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. Confucious
I consider myself one of the lucky ones. I love what I do. I love solving problems, creating things, and making people smile. Currently I am working as a Designer & Front End Developer for One Design Company in beautiful Chicago.
My life is all about design. I love to solve problems in a beautiful, elegant way. I love to learn new things and am constantly searching for the next challenge. I am frequently posting on my Tumblr, mixing pixels for Dribbble, or sharing myriad thoughts on Twitter.
I am currently accepting client projects. If you'd like to work with me please drop me a line at brian (at) brianhanson.net.
This site is built using Jekyll and hosted on github pages. The type is Source Sans Pro for body and Adelle for most headlines. Fonts are served via Typekit. Entypo pictograms by Daniel Bruce and are available at entypo.com. You can get them for yourself here. The CSS was compiled using Sass and Compass but otherwise hand crafted by myself using Sublime Text 2.